
The Teabag Party.  OK right out of the chute,  it's a pretty sick lot of people who relate Tea baggers to a sex act .  Lets just assume that linkage came out of prisons and leftist picked up on it.  Name calling is such fun.  The left is just upset because  Tea baggers get more press coverage on Fox News.   Sex is the last thing on a Tea bagger's mind when they are protesting.  They are much more likely to worry about running out of pork ribs before the rally is over. Maybe,  the Snipe is just projecting his own desires, Ribs sound good .

I do think the name Teabag Party gives a false impression of what they want  to say.  We know they say  they want to be like the colonists of 1773 standing against the British government.  Lets look at it from the other side of the pond. The Snipe hates to walk over there but he must.

1. The colonists dressed up like Mohawk Indians, so the Indians would take the blame. Duh!  Like no one would figure that out.

2. They destroyed tea that didn't belong to them  and didn't even take it home with them. Even in the 1965 Watts Riots they did take some TVs home with them.  I bet the colonists did hold back  a little bit of tea for themselves.

3. The price of legally imported tea was actually reduced by the Tea Act of 1773.

Once again the winners   get write the history. I am sure over in the Mother Land England some  people were saying  " Those crazy low life colonists ! You try and help them and they bite your hand off"

 That was then and this is now.

Other reasons not be called a Tea bagger

This is America now right? Where does tea come from?  Well lots of places but the big producers  are China, India and Kenya.  Stop the presses I see a link between Obama and tea.  OK I am starting to understand  Tea baggers are really Obama's covert army.  Wake up before it's too late.

Tea baggers change your name to something more civil and American . Try one from list below.

1. Apple Cow Pie Party - What is more USA than Apple-pie and a glass of milk?

2. The Corn Pop Party -  When is last time you saw  fields of tea unless you were in Washington?

3. The Hot Dog Party -  Think of the cool tee shirts and  slogans.



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