Everyday Has it's Troubles and Trials to Overcome

I look at my friends the coons and sometimes think "Can't they get a job and quit depending on Grandpa to feed them?"

Maybe they could at least clean their paw prints off the windows. Oh well, I love them .


Raven Speaks with Local Dogs About Storm Damage


Molly Peters had a huge tree limb fall on their equipment shed. It did  much damage.

"It wasn't even raining just a big wind and the tree limb broke.  I almost had a puppy "

I  like Molly. She is a hard working mole killing dog.

It's a hot job getting out in the heartland talking to local dogs.

No matter how hot it gets I want to know what dogs like Molly think.

They don't call Me the Tax Destroyer for Nothing

Another night resting with Fluffy, even The Raven has to sleep sometimes.
