Obama War & the Invasion of Our Country


In our recent past as a country we have had the Bush wars, the Bush /Obama war and now we have the Obama war. I know some people may say "this is not a war" but anytime one country takes things that blow up stuff and drop it on another country and destroy the stuff they own, that is war. Well, you might say we don't have troops on ground there so it is not really a war.  I think you might have trouble telling the people in the  United States and Hawaii that the bombing of Pearl Harbor  wasn't an act of war even if Japan never had ground  troops there or crossed  the borders of our 48 states. The truth is there are Muslims in streets wanting to overthrow their leaders.  Time will tell if someone just as evil  or even more evil  will take over those counties.  No one can disagree that it is Muslims killing other Muslims for power in their country.

We drop rockets in other countries  while allowing an invasion of our own borders by illegals. What twisted  mind set  would not bring our troops home to protect our borders? I am a veteran of the Viet Nam War, another example of us trying to change the outcome of a civil war. We left there with 1000s of our own citizens  maimed and killed, families at home changed forever. The out come of that war was the same as if we had never shot one rife.  No one can take away from the brave actions of each US  troop that did what was asked of them by their country.   There is not even a question  that when called upon our young men & women  follow orders and do what is asked of them. There will always be people who hate all war and they make a good point.  We should learn from our past when is the time to fight and for what purpose.

I am sure if you ask any North American Indian, what would you change in your history , the answer would  be "fight harder to prevent the invasion of  English Illegals  on our borders."  History is written by the winners of wars and conflict. I will always vote that we write the next history book.

The wealth of each family in our country is the collection of work, risks, pain and education of its ancestors. We have either added to or taken away from by the actions of each person in that family.  In my mind,  that is fair, be it for the better or not.  Any government  or person that seeks to change the outcome of  that path is an enemy to my family heritage.  I have been accused of being Un-Christian  for these thoughts  but let me remind you of the verse.

 1 Timothy 5:8 (King James Version)

"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

For those that hold the words of the Bible to have no more meaning than any other word let me remind you of how a mother animal will fight for the safety of her own babies and kill to feed her children. 

So let us all speak of the great gift of diversity in our borders but remember the glue is  that we are all Americans.


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