Letter Words & Colored Causes
OK here we go ! The old Snipe is at it again. Why can't people write and speak in plain English? I think one of the most valuable classes I had in college was "Business Writing" . The knowledge was simple, keep it short, easy to understand and to the point. No more using the longest word with largest print to fill up pages to meet a teacher's page requirement for a grade. This is the grown up world, where time is money and being understood is the more important than sounding like a poet.
Ok say what you like, I want every citizen of our country to speak English. If it was good enough for Jesus it should be good enough for all of us. Part of this may go back to an event in my childhood. You see this what happened:
Little Snipe was hiding from his mom under some suits on a rack at Carps , a local department store in Granite City, Illinois. I must have been around 6 years old at the time. Carps was big place with stairs to run up and down and rows and rows of clothes to hide in. Anyway short and simple right?
I felt hands on my back as I was running. I stopped quickly thinking my mom had found me. The next thing I heard was voices speaking in some strange language . It might have been Polish or German I just don't know. I froze in fear thinking maybe this what happens to kids that hide in stores. It was two rather large middle aged women , one held me while other held a suit coat up to my body. They would look at each other and then talk in their own words shaking their heads while holding another suit coat in front of me. I was in a state of terror, thinking maybe they were casting some demon out of me . The more they spoke in that strange language the more, I was sure my doom had been sealed. As I finally broke free I cried " Oh Jesus, I will never hide from Mom again" .
I ran up the stairs and found my mom close to tears looking for me. I'm still not sure who those ladies were. They might have been angels come to answer a frantic mother's prayer or just two rude Jewish grandmothers using me to size a suit coat for a grand kid. The event changed me forever. Somewhere deep inside me every time I hear people speaking something other than English, I get afraid.
It is even more spooky when they are speaking prefect English and then turn to the kitchen and yell out something in Vietnamese or some other strange language.
Could "与烤鸭翼的米" mean "We have found him, get the suit " or does it just mean, "rice with roast duck wings"?