Mole-Ham-It & the 72 Virgins
Well ok Osama Bin Ladin is dead. Is that enough, just to be dead? We all end up dead and hope to be buried in a peaceful grave. The Snipe is sick of the United States worrying about offending Muslims. He is tired of seeing old people in wheel chairs being taken into private rooms at airports because their wheel chairs may have bombs in them, while Muslims wrapped head to toe pass though with a nod.
September 11th, 2001 we all watched on our TVs while planes flew into our Pentagon and the Trade Center. We waited in fear for more attacks. We saw 1000s of innocent men, women and children died horrible deaths. We watched the suffering as people lay trapped under piles of rumble, as their loved ones suffered and prayed for mercy for the pain in their hearts. These good hard working victims of all kinds of faiths. White, black, yellow and red people lay in pools of their own blood because Osama Bin Ladin ordered them dead. This was not some Baptist or Jew. It was a self proclaimed Muslim. The first thing President Bush did was grab a Muslim and go on the airways saying not all Muslims approve of this terrorist . Great wonderful news he is not a real Muslim real Muslims are not like him. That must mean his proclaimed god is not the same god they bow down to, not the same holy writings he reads. Ok, then take no offense when he and his god are mocked.
I want to see the pictures of his death, the way we have been able to see the bodies our brave men of battle and citizens of our fair land jump to their death because of this man. Justice demands the citizens of the United States be able see the man of terror after his just murder. Yes, thank you president Obama for not giving up on President Bush's promise to bring this man to justice.
Yes we danced in the streets when we heard he was dead. Not like when World War II was over and Germans and the Japanese lay in ashes but we danced. We danced in joy that the world was just a little better off with one of its many monsters slain.
Some more thoughtful people might say " What good does killing one terrorist do?", the same people that say the death sentence doesn't help prevent crime. I say that monster will kill no more. He will rape no more. I know it does no good to kill a tick in the woods and that when trees falls even if there is no one to hear them , it makes a sound. I know we landed on the moon. I know that a man who believes in everything believes in nothing. A person who thinks all gods are equal can only be an Atheist at best or a total fool. I am offended that in your rush to be PC you treat the body of a terrorist like the body of Christ.
Bob Dylan Wrote
"You might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk
Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk
You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread
You may like sleeping on the floor, sleepin' in a king- sized bed
But you're going have to serve somebody, yes indeed
Well, it maybe the devil or may be the Lord
But you're gonna have serve somebody"
Yes, I want see Bin Ladin's body covered in his own blood. I want to mock his god, Mole -Ham-It . If that offends you, you must be the same as him. If that is the case good I hope you are buried wrapped in pig skins with the 72 pig virgins. People have been making fun of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years, if you can't stand it, you must have pretty weak faith.
If King Saul, David and Solomon had followed the command from the Prophet Samuel we wouldn't be having this trouble now. Blame the Jew, they are used to it.
Yes I want see his dead body and all those that think like him. I want to see everyone have the freedom to dance at the death of a murder. When nation falls because of its wicked way I want to laugh at their demise as good people rise up to take back the reins of power.
If you try to stand for everything , you end up standing for nothing at all.