War What it Good For?

Viet Nam Protest



"Change Change Change"  the chat rang from ghetto's and colleges. The great hope had come. The old ways were past .  He was here  and all his promises about helping the working man to get a hand up . It turns out all he gave was  hand outs to the people that funded his election. We gave bail outs to people too important to fail.

The unions, GM and  the banks. The hipster  man was in the alley shaking them bones and moving them shells.  Promising fairness while just doing what politicians always  do, serve themselves.


When he got caught in a lie ,  he'd  just yell out like Cool Hand Luke, " Shaking the Bush boss , Shaking the Bush boss" . The time has passed and in this desert there isn't a Bush left in sight but he is  still yelling .


When  Bush left office we had 30,000 troops in Afghanistan.  The  tours of duty are over for all troops Bush sent  so we can just let Obama have credit  for everyone  there now.  That would be over 100,000 troops and some 100,000 support civilian people.   Bring them home to protect our border. Line them up with guns , armed to protect this land for which our  forefathers died for.  Let the Muslims fight among  their tribes as they have for 100s of years.  Don't give them weapons to use against the civilized world.


Obama says he is going to  bring the boys home, a whole 10,000 of them and then closer to election time some more. We'll have a big jobfair and pay for them  to sit on their hands  and hope for a job. We have Illegals coming into our country at a rate of  4 million a year, some say.  We don't really know but some where between 15 & 20 million are  in our county now. Yes and they have babies and  get on our failing welfare programs too .  1500 Illegals cross into  Arizona alone each day and we are worried about some backward tribal people living on other side of the world, spending trillions of dollars we have get from China ? What is wrong with our minds?  We have had troops around the world since WW2, we have  wasted untold dollars protecting other countries'  borders  and we can't protect our own?

We have the finest  trained  troops in the world. Lets use them to stop the flow of crime into our country.

Think of the jobs it would give to our people here in this country. It might even cause some companies to come back from Mexico and give us jobs for our  own people. Real  jobs with real products not some made up jobs  from the government.

The population  of Afghanistan is about 30 million people. Heck they could all be in our country as Illegals but we can't be sure.  Stop the invasion of our country. Bring all our troops home and protect our borders.


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