The Snipe, a bird hard to find, quick to stick it's long beak, into it's prey and often thought to not even exist.
In the grand order of the Snipe, this page seeks to ask questions and sometimes offer answers.
Perhaps there will be easy questions with hard answers and there might be hard questions with easy answers.
The Snipe is not a sounding box for other views. I pay for the domain. I would be happy to hear your views and answers if you might have some by Email.
The very first question to The Snipe is one with a simple answer.
Why does The Snipe exist ?
Answer : Because Facebook is good place to talk about things that don't require much typing and really should be, in my humble opinion, up lifting and not hurtful to someone else.
You can call the old Snipe anything you like. Quite frankly unless you withhold food from him he could care less what you call him. If you come after The Snipe that makes you a Snipe hunter. Look at, it from The Snipe's point of view, Snipes look for real meat, Snipe hunters are just the uninformed with a bag of air in their hands.
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